The Cappella Cantorum International Tour Chorus has been traveling and performing around the world since 1981. Some of the many places visited include Scandinavia, the British Isles, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, Iceland, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Croatia and Albania.
Each trip includes performances in major cathedrals and other landmarks, along with plenty of sightseeing opportunities. Tours are open to all singers and their spouses or guests (even non-singing guests). You need not be a regular member of Cappella Cantorum or any other choir to join the International Tour Chorus.
Here are some examples from recent trips:
In 2013, the International Tour Chorus traveled to Ireland, Wales and England, and had an opportunity to sing with a Welsh Men’s Choir.
In 2015 the International Tour Chorus traveled to Austria, where they performed in Budapest, Vienna, Graz and Salzburg.
For its 2017 tour, the chorus performed in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, with stops in both Iceland and Sweden.
The 2019 tour included performances in Belgium and France, as well as exploring towns along the French coastline, a stop in Normandy to mark the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, and a dinner cruise through the heart of Paris.
For the 2024 tour, the chorus traveled to Austria, Bavaria and Switzerland, with explorations of Vienna, Hallstatt, Salzburg, Munich and Lucerne, as well as the tiny country of Lichtenstein, along the way.
To find out more about the next available Concert Tour, please contact Elana Vasi-Smith, our International Tour Manager, at or phone 860-532-0454.
Destination: ??? (to be determined by early 2025)
Let Elana know where YOU would like to travel next!