Cappella Cantorum launched its popular SummerSings program in 1987. Now co-sponsored with Con Brio Choral Society, these sessions provide singers with the opportunity to enjoy choral works without the pressure of preparing for performance.
Most sessions focus on a standard choral masterwork, while some venture into other genres such as spirituals, Broadway, the Great American Songbook, and others.
SummerSings offers the experience of working with professional conductors and soloists in a relaxed atmosphere. Just come and sing! All are welcome; membership in Cappella Cantorum or Con Brio Choral Society is not required to participate. No advance registration necessary.
SummerSings are typically held in local area churches during the months of June through August, with a schedule and details published in advance on the Cappella and ConBrio websites. A nominal fee is charged for each session. Singers are encouraged to bring their own scores if they have them, or scores will be available on loan for the evening.
SummerSings 2024
The SummerSings 2024 series ran for six consecutive Mondays from July 8 to August 12, with record attendance for the season. All events were held at First Church of Christ in Saybrook, 366 Main St, Old Saybrook. See poster below for full schedule. We hope you’ll join us next year for SummerSings 2025!